A Long Journey

As of this Friday, I will no longer be employed at Cheezburger. While incredibly saddened by this, I look back on my time fondly. I worked with amazing people and had the unique opportunity to help build and grow the company from a startup to what it is today. The engineering team we built at Cheezburger is incredibly driven and talented, and will continue to produce amazing work long after I have gone. I will still think in lolspeak, appreciate Dolan and ROFL at pictures of people faceplanting on concrete. I’m looking forward to finding out what the next step of my journey is.

Thanks to all of my wonderful friends and family, and my coworkers for being amazing. I love you guys.

Here’s TOP to play us out:

WordCamp Developers Video

Howdy! The video of my talk from WordCamp: Developers was finally posted on WordPress.tv! I haven’t watched it yet (and probably never will), but if you want to see me talk about how we use WordPress here at Cheezburger, or learn more about CheezCAP, this has all the juicy details. Also, my slides have lolcats in them. This was my second public speaking performance. In watching the video, I’m remembering how low the microphone was. I probably could have gotten away with not speaking directly into it, but oh well. Makes me look like a huge freak.

Continue reading WordCamp Developers Video

WordCamp Seattle

So, I’m going to be making my public speaking (at least as far as WordPress goes) debut this weekend at WordCamp: Seattle! I’ll be talking about a portion of our theme that we released as a plugin, called CheezCap. It creates a custom control panel, that allows you to insert text, code, toggles and other stuff into your theme’s source code for easy control over features, dynamic content, etc. I’m pretty excited about WordCamp, and nervous about speaking, but I get to put LOLcats into my slides so it’s all good.

If you’re in the area, you should definitely check out the event, I think there are still some tickets left. Check out the other speakers too, because they are all awesome! Hope to see you there