Music: Early 2015 Edition

A friend asked me today what I’d been listening to lately. I love sharing music with other people, so rather than just sending him a list, I’m going to collect some stuff here. I’m not up to defining buckets for different genres, so I’ll try to break it up as best as possible, but most of what I listen to would be considered “electronic music”. It’s possible my definition doesn’t match yours, but hopefully you’ll find something enjoyable.

Hip Hop / R&B Influenced

EDM / Chillwave / Future “____”

Quick note here. Synkro is one of my all-time favorite artists. His music is incredible.

Chip / Other

This section will be the shortest, as this is something I’m just now starting to listen to a lot more of.

If you want more, you can follow me on Soundcloud, check out my feed on or find me on Spotify. I’m always open and willing to listen to new music so by all means, send your favorite stuff my way! Thanks for listening.

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Toby McKes is the Director of Engineering at Red Tricycle , a foodie, lover of music and board-game enthusiast residing in Seattle, WA.

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